Tuesday, January 19, 2010

8 more days :)

I have been so busy lately I started a new job working a lot of hours. Avery started basketball and practices 2 nights a week. Before I knew it John was telling me he would be home in 2 weeks. I blinked and now I'll see him in about 8. Give or take for military plane issues. I don't think we have had a deployment yet where everything went as planned on the way home. I have so much to do and like no time to do it in. I'm looking into having a cleaning company come out and clean the house. That way on Sunday (my only day off between now an when he gets home) I can get the house picked up and they can come in and do the scrubbing for me. I want the house perfect when he gets here so it is easier to maintain. I also need to get someone to clean the carpets and the couch if I can. Yes I know the last little bit before they return from a deployment is like nesting before you have a baby. Nothing is ever right, nothing is ever clean enough, and the list of things you would like to have done before they arrive is long enough that even if you worked nonstop you couldn't finish it. Well, I'm off to try to accomplish at least one thing from my list before I go to sleep.