Monday, August 9, 2010


After summer vacation and John's week of leave at the end of it, life is finally settling back into its regular routine. This is the first day that everyone is gone and I admit I haven't accomplished anything. Two blog posts in a row is good but I need to vacuum and sweep the down stairs, not to mention the work that needs to be done upstairs. I'm just glad that everyone will be back on schedule by the end of the week. I find it hard to get anything done including working out when John is sitting on the couch watching TV or playing video games. The kids constant presence also does a number on the cleanliness of my house. Don't get me wrong it isn't filthy or anything it just doesn't stay picked up and I have to clean the kitchen constantly.
So,  I'm going to enjoy one more cup of coffee then I'll set about my day. Workout, shower, then finally cleaning, and prepping for dinner.

10 Foods You Should Buy Organic

10 Foods You Should Buy Organic

Eating clean is something that I feel is important but on the limited Enlisted Army paycheck that my husband brings home I have to shop smart. I found this article online and I think it is a great place to start. I knew that some foods were more pesticide ridden than others but I didn't know which ones.
My small container garden is organic. I used an organic pesticide but found that having the boys look for caterpillars was the best method. Jay is very protective of "his" tomato plant. You could taste the difference between my potatoes and the non organic ones that I purchased from the store.
On a recent expedition to Nashville my husband and I came across an organic meat vendor. It was SO good. We'll be ordering from him when the meat in the freezer runs out. John is also hoping to get out and hunt this season. Venison is really good and lean. I have only had it in Germany so I'm hoping that it will still have that wonderful flavor here.
The commissary is getting more and more organic produce but it still lacks in a lot of other areas so we will have to explore other options and make special requests. Business is business so I understand that as the demand goes up prices should go down. On the same note the higher the demand the easier it will be to find organics of all kinds.
One important thing to note is that over eating will of course increase your grocery bill so we need to start portioning out the more expensive items like milk and meat. This will not only save money but help keep reign in the jiggle around our middles.
I hope you find this information helpful and put it to good use. What are your thoughts on organics?