Memorial Day finds it's roots in post Civil War Charleston, SC. It was called Decoration Day and started by freed slaves. They exhumed the bodies Union Soldiers, slaves and even Confederate prisoners from a mass grave and gave them all proper funerals. This was done regardless of which side they fought for or what God they prayed too. It was done out of respect not just for human life but respect for the dead. The day is set aside for us to honor our men and women who defend our country and its ideals around the world.
This Memorial Day was definitely one of reflection in our house. The release of "War" by Sebastian Junger put the holiday into perspective. Junger followed 2nd Platoon Battle Company 2/503 173rd Airborne over a 15 month deployment in the Konar Province of Afghanistan. My husband was on the same deployment with Destined Company. His company was spread across the valley and some were with Battle Company. I knew what happened on the deployment from the family perspective. We received red line messages (emails or phone calls when a soldier was killed or seriously injured) with terrifying regularity. Reading this book showed me the other side. Now Restrepo was a unique outpost with a very unique group of men, it could be called the extreme of what can happen over there. I think that this book should be required reading for every American. I think that the real cost of freedom is something that most people just don't understand.
This is our first Memorial Day in the States in 4 years and I was horrified at how little was said about the true reason for the holiday. There were sales on everything from flip flops to cars advertised everywhere. When I looked for some activity to do in the Fort Campbell and all the way to Nashville area I found "you can watch Boy Scouts place flags in a cemetery. We made a point to discuss the day with our children. They told us about the soldiers that they know. I was so proud when my 8 year old said that the day shouldn't just be to remember the dead. He rattled off a list of people the he knows and how they were hurt in Afghanistan. He told me that it changed their lives. One friend lost both of his legs, whether he knows it or not he is a real hero to my boys. They talk about him frequently and think that his "robot legs" and wheel chair are so cool. I just wish that civilian kids had some idea of why we celebrate Memorial Day. My 15 year old sister told me that the pool opens that day and it's her last long weekend before the end of the school year. So sad.
If you forgot the meaning of the day. Not hard to imagine with a president that didn't even go to Arlington because he was on vacation. Take a few minutes now and be thankful for the men and women past and present that allow you to enjoy those sales and swimming pools.