Sunday, December 27, 2009


Today I decided to spend sometime searching Facebook for friends that I have lost touch with over the years. I found quite a few. It's fun to see where everyone is today and what they have going on in their lives. Some people took a lot of work to find but it was totally worth it. Who knows I may feel the need to do it again sometime. With John in the Army Facebook is proving to be the best way for me to find and stay in touch with people all over. I'm terrible about making phone calls, writing email, or worse yet writing an actual letter. Facebook allows me to look at what everyone has going on and because I see their status I'm reminded to keep in touch. Avery keeps asking if she can have a Facebook account. I'm not sure but I think we'll let her soon because it will make being an Army Brat easier. I lost touch with a lot of my friends because it was a lot of work to write letters to everyone. I don't want that to happen to her. I found a friend from junior high that I haven't talked to in 15 years and another friend from my high school in Canada that I haven't talked to in around 12. It was so nice to talk to them again.
Gotta love technology. The world is getting smaller and that is a good thing for me.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Wrecking Crew

When I had kids no one told me that I was creating my own wrecking crew. I spent yesterday cleaning my downstairs only to have it totally trashed again today. I sweep the floor over and over to no avail. Vaccuming is a constant here too. But my least facorites are the dishes and laundry. Ty still goes through several outfits a day and they all eat constantly.I thought that as they got older this would get easier but of course not. It is just differnt toys on the floor, bigger clothes to be washed, and the bathroom. Some days I'm not so sure that potty training is the sweet relief I was hoping it would be. Tinkle on the seat, floor, and anything else that happens to be too close. Well, back to it. Hopefully, I'll win by bedtime.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Reading vs Sleep

Ever since I learned to read it has been a favorite pass time of mine. Unfortunately, it has always been a struggle for me to balance sleeping and reading. Night time is the only time I can sit back and read uninterrupted. In 3rd grade I remember reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Super Fudge start to finish in one night then getting up and going to school. John gets mad when I read too much when he's home because I ignore him for a day or so while I read. When he's gone I don't have anyone complaining that the light is still on at 2am or snoring next to me so I keep finding myself reading still when the sun is coming up. I get up and handle my day with lots of coffee and like an addict I sneak in a few minutes where I can anticipating the time when I can just absorb the words for hours on end. Avery and Jay seem to have the same affliction. Jay reads every night in bed until I put his book up on the shelf and turn out his lights. He is always asking for 5 more minutes. Avery is allowed to regulate her own sleeping. At her age it just seems stupid to give her a bedtime. I figure she will live with the consequences of her choices. Nothing like being tired in school all day to make you go to bed earlier. I'm curious to see if Ty turns out the same.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thank God for Darth Vader

No, not Star Wars Darth Vader, our algae eater. His permanent residence is in the 55 gallon aquarium down stairs but he gets to go on holiday and visit the other tanks upstairs. I usually try to move him around every other week but I've gotten lazy about the fish. I feed them daily and everything but adding water and moving him around hasn't happened in too long. Yesterday when I put him into Tyler's tank you could barely see the fish the sides were so gross. This morning almost everything is cleaned up. I thought it would take him a week at least to clean up that mess but he should be ready to go to Jay's room tomorrow. I was worried that I would actually have to physically clean the aquariums but Thank You Darth Vader for doing it for me and making my life just that much easier.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Not a whole lot to say

Today was a pretty normal day. My new washer arrived and is awesome. I wrapped almost all of Avery's Christmas presents. I figure she can help with her brothers' stuff so I should do hers first. I realized after I laid everything out that I really haven't gotten anything for myself. So, I ordered some things from Target to fill my stocking. It has been a pretty slow day. My throat and head hurt so I'm going to head off to bed. Hopefully, I'll have more to add tomorrow.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I conquered the dryer

Thank you who ever designed the housing on Fort Campbell. My laundry room is tiny and complicated by requiring the dryer to be in the back corner and the washer to be right next to the door. I understand that the thought was Washer first then Dryer but the laundry sink is in front of the dryer and makes it impossible to open the dryer door all the way. When the dryer was delivered I noticed that the dryer door opened the wrong way and I would have to lean over the half open door to put clothes in and out. I mentioned it to the men who delivered and installed it. No dice of course that can't help a woman out.
So, today I decided to change it. I have been struggling with it for almost a week now and finally had enough. How hard could it be right. I'm thinking 15 minutes 30 max if I have to search for tools. You are just moving 12 screws. Over an hour later with very creative use of my husband's tools I did it. I'm sure that I used the tools in ways and combinations that Craftsman never had in mind but it is done. I'm sure John could have done it faster and properly but I'm proud. I did it all by myself.
This is just one of those little experiences that I actually like about deployment. If John was home he would have switched right away. I never would have even tried. His first deployment my I can do anything moment was building the outdoor chainlink kennel for the dogs. The last one was changing a tire on the truck by my self. Would I ever say that I want John gone?... No, I miss him so much. But, when I accomplish something that I wouldn't normally do myself I feel greatful for the opportunity to challenge myself and grow. It always makes the prospect of him leaving again less scary because I can remind myself that I can do anything.
In retrospect I should have taken a picture of the door open before I switched it to better illustrate my accomplishment. I'm not going to switch it back just for a picture though so you'll just have to use your imagination.

Another deployment Christmas

Decorating for another Christmas without John was so hard. I am trying hard to make up for the last one to the kids this year. I won't let depression get the best of me again. I bought new Christmas music which I am playing all the time to remind myself that it is Christmas and we can enjoy it without him. We decorated the tree this weekend. The boys made ornaments out of pipe cleaners, pom pom balls, pine cones, and glitter glue while I made bows for the tree. I'm trying to keep them actively involved in the season all season long. On Saturday we decorated the tree. Unfortunately, in the process we found out that Avery is allergic to it. After disowning her I bought her an antihistamine to take. Last night we decorated the yard. Avery wants to do a little more with her lights on the bushes and trees so I'll post pictures when she is done.

Funny story about the Christmas tree. The cat was scared of it when I brought it home. It was so funny. He wouldn't go into the living room. Needless to say he is over it now and glad that we decorated for him to play with.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I've really been slacking on this whole blog thing

Funny I read my regular blogs regularly but never seem to remember to update my own. I realize that a lot of it is just laziness on my part. Having John deployed seems to be a great excuss not to get things done. You know... "I have so much on my plate today so that can wait until tomorrow... only what is always coming and never gets here? Tomorrow.
I will hang up Christmas lights as soon as the rain stops. The weather has been terrible here today. Rainy and cold, the kind of day where you just want to sit under a blanket and drift in and out of conciousness. Friday will be a busy morning for me because I have an operation home front holiday shopping event from 10-11 and I need to pick up a Christmas tree between 9 and 12. I think I am going to start making a list on Sunday of what I need to do everyday for the week. The house is clean for the most part. The kids rooms leave something to be desired and so does their bathroom. They walk into those rooms and they need cleaned though. The algea eater needs another vacation to the aquariums upstairs. I also need to add water to all of them. Things like that. Well, I may post again later but John is on the webcam :) the highlight of my day